Members benefit from comprehensive online resources by logging into the ECRI website. Alternatively, our consulting services, project work and training can assist you with many diverse challenges. Choose to take advantage of the work of over 400 experts and the shared experience of 1000’s healthcare organisations from the many options illustrated below:
If you’d like to find out more about ECRI, download our overview brochure here.
Assurance to Make Healthcare Safer
ECRI solutions empower healthcare leaders to make the best decisions to deliver safe, effective, and efficient care.

Patient Safety
Reduce risk and improve safety with expert insights that empower you to get to zero harm. Our patient safety team drive improvements in safety, working with healthcare delivery organisations and stakeholders across all settings of care. ECRI has collected more than 3 million serious patient safety events and near-miss reports from over 1,800 healthcare providers.
We study the events, determine causes, and research best practices. This information provides a rich evidence base that generates real-world solutions to complex safety problems. We disseminate lessons, guidance, and recommendations through alerts, in-person meetings, webinars, and newsletters.
Online resources
- Health Technology Assessment
- Risk-control self-assessment tools
- Alerts & hazards database
- Device reviews and evaluations
- Genetic testing resource centre
- Asset management CMMS
- Technology evaluation and guidance
- Institute of Safe Medicines Practice
Consulting services
- Alarm management
- Technology gap analysis
- Accident and forensic investigation
- Clinical guideline development
- Safety training and workshops
- Risk management
- Clinical Engineering specification
- Infection prevention

Evidence-based Medicine
Instil confidence in your healthcare decisions with evidence-based guidance that positively affects patient care. Our team of experts provides trusted guidance and consulting on new and emerging medical technologies, procedures, genetic tests, and clinical practice guidelines. We track technologies and services still in development and forecast what may impact healthcare in the future.
Online resources
- Health Technology Assessment
- Complex decision modelling
- Technology evaluation and guidance
- Genetic testing resource centre
Consulting services
- Strategic planning
- Technology horizon scanning
- Clinical guideline development

Technology Decision Support
Optimize your supply chain with software solutions and advisory services that enable you to reduce costs, increase quality, and improve patient outcomes. ECRI conducts hands-on rigorous testing and evaluation of devices that informs real-world technology decision making across all care settings. The depth and breadth of our pricing databases enables our members to benchmark pricing on nearly 2 million supplies and more than 100,000 capital equipment items. Members can view evidence-based product comparisons based on price and functional equivalency.
Online resources
- Device and supplier database
- Technology Assessment
- Complex decision making
- Functional equivalents for supplies and equipment
- Device reviews and evaluations
- Device specification comparison charts
- Asset management CMMS
- Technology evaluation and guidance
- On-demand custom cost analysis reports
- On-demand custom device comparison reports
- Request for proposal (tender) templates
Consulting services
- Strategic planning
- Equipment rationalisation
- Predictive replacement planning
- Technology gap analysis
- Medical Equipment Planning
- OR integration planning
- Technology horizon scanning
- Data standardisation
- Specification writing
Online membership resources available at your fingertips by logging into the membership website. Benefit from the work of over 400 experts and the shared experience of 1000’s healthcare facilities.